Friday, July 18, 2003


Before God had a name!

The Tradition say that God’s name was not known...
Until He revealed His name to Moses according to the Scriptures.

Before God had a name,
People wondered who He was
They knew Him, but knew about Him not!
They felt Him, but for them He was not existent...
They had “spirituality”, but no “theology”!

Before God had a name,
People fought less!
All nations thought that the one they knew, but did not know about, was the same One

When God told Moses “I am”
Moses told people “He is” sent me
But people understood Him not!
They repeated like parrots “He is” sent Moses,
Gods name is “He is”!
They killed those who do not worship “He is”,
they even may kill those who worship “I am”

Before God had a name,
I knew him as happiness but more than happiness,
Peace but more than peace,
Clarity, Wisdom, Growth,
Before I was he IS
Before His name He was

When I learnt God’s name
I liked to call Him
Doesn’t a name make Him closer?
Doesn’t a name make Him more personal?
Or Does it?

God is and anything else is not!
God is and we are not!
Unless we are in him, unless He is in us, we never are!
So let’s not be, so that we be!
Wasn’t that what Jesus said?
Isn’t that what Christ is?

Tuesday, July 15, 2003



Perseverant You are indeed God
And Perseverent is Your Love
Perseverant is your perseverance
Perseverant is your trial and – dare I say— failure
Perseverant is your patience
Perseverant is the way You chose to choose in to create the world
Perseverant is the way You choose to choose to re-create me
Patient is your perseverance
Unexplainable is Your essence
Unable I am of saying more

Holy Holy Holy

Heaven and Earth are full of Your Glory
Oceans and continents are full of Your Glory
Deserts and gardens are full of Your Glory
Memphis and Cairo are full of Your Glory
Internet and media are full of Your Glory
Heart and soul are full of Your Glory

Holy Holy Holy

قدّوس.. قدّوس.. قدّوس
أنت يا اللّه
وبالأكثر مختار هو نور جوهريّتك
وغير موصوفة حكمتك
وليس شيء من النطق يستطيع أن يحد لجّة محبّتك للبشر
محبتك للكائنات
محبتك للعدم الذي منه كوّنت ما لم يكُن
وله صنعت كلّ شيء
وبه صنعت كلّ شيء

Monday, July 14, 2003

I shall call Him : The Persevering Lover !

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